Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Getting Started

First off, NO JUDGING. This is my first time really blogging… This semester, my last project in College Comp was to create a blog. I wanted my blog to be about something I really cared about, and something that I might actually keep up with after the semester is over. Therefore, Green Changes was born!! (I literally went through 15 different titles until I found one that hadn't been taken yet...) My goal for this blog is this: to show you the real impact we are having on the Earth, and how being green can change our path! So, at least one post a week will be something fun and green you could do, such as projects, games, or other activities to help out your planet and community! A second post each week will show you a fact about the environment, and it will be my goal to persuade any non-belivers that global warming is real and that the human race IS killing our planet. (Yes, I'm kind of a hippie.) I don't want this to turn into a doomsdayer blog though, so most of the facts will be things that you probably don't know, or have ever even heard of!! I really want this to be geared towards anyone and everyone, so my goal is to keep it loose, while s
till making you into a believer! With that being said, on to blog post NUMBER ONE!
So, I will admit it….a lot of my being green DIY ideas are coming from Pinterest….but there are so many cool and awesomehttp://www.curbly.com/users/diy-maven/posts/11213-how-to-turn-a-milk-jug-into-a-sandwich-box) Simply cut off the top, but leave a side, add a snap, and voila! You’ve got a brand new sandwich box!! Or you could let it be a cute gift box. Personally, I keep one in my glove compartment in my car to carry around a small first aid kit. Stuff one needs to make one include a 1-gallon milk jug, marker, scissors, thumbtack and a snap, button, or adhesive-backed Velcro dot. The rest is literally just cut and fold!
ideas!! Many of them also save a different type of green….cash green. Think of how much money you spend buying lunch every day. Even taking your lunch can get expensive, with drinks, Tupperware, ect. Now think about all those milk jugs you threw away last month. (pssst….that was a curveball!) Milk jugs can be made into so many things. One of them is a sandwich/ snack carrier! (Pinterest Link:
Milk jugs can be all sorts of things. Poke holes in the lid to make a
flower watering can. Let your kids build an igloo with them. Make them into bird feeders, planters, bird houses, sprinklers, and so much more!!

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